Wednesday, 28 September 2011

No way I'll make milestone 0.1

When I first took on ticket 559, the slideshow plugin, I assumed after reading the posts on lighthouse that it would be a fairly simple plugin to do.  Just a conventional slideshow the flips through a series of images either manually after the user clicks a key or automatically after set intervals.   Maybe add in a feature to let it play the slides to music.    A fairly simple task that shouldn't take long to do

After I talked with Dave Siefried today though, it turns out that the slideshow is going to be a lot more complex than originally anticipated.   Basically it is meant be more similar to a powerpoint slideshow, letting the user flip through slides containing both images, video and text.   The type of slideshow he is talking about would be similar to this

The slideshow plugin will be working with baseplayer which is going to emulate the base functionality of an html5 video element. 

So I'm facing  the issue of not only having a work unit that is going to be alot more complex than I originally anticipated but will require quite a bit more of a learning curve than I thought (I was originally thinking my work would be focused on javascript though it looks like I'll be looking at HTML 5 as well).  There's also the issue regarding the availability of baseplayer which has not been released yet (Dave said that it would, hopefully, be staged today)

Don't get me wrong, I am still looking forward at the chance at working on this slideshow plugin, I am quite interested in it and the learning curve required to work on it is something I know I can handle but given the amount of time between now and the Sept 29 due date for milestone 0.1 there's no way I'll be able to make the deadline.

I'll be updating ticket 559 in a few minutes to add in some notes of the features and information for the slideshow that Dave and I talked about.  I've got a fairly packed day of classes tomorrow so I'll try and catch Dave Siefried on Friday or Monday and try to hammer out some more details on how to tackle this slideshow player so I'll be ready for release 0.2

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