In all the chaos that's been going on I just realized that I've been missing posting my blogs for the past 2 weeks now. Anyways, a quick recap of what's been happening since.
Over the break I looked into how slideshow implements slides and it is done by a flash embedder called swfObject.js. At first I thought that this is what actually implements the slideshow and is what I should be editing to get the wrap the baseplayer features for the slideshow but after looking at the youtube and vimeo players and doing some tests and experimentation I later found out that this file just embeds the flashplayer that plays the slideshow. In fact I don't even need this file as I can do what the other players are doing and call this .js file through "//"" using the popcorn.getScript method.
Now the snag that's been causing be grief for the past week and a half. I still can't get it to run. More specifically I seem to be getting a problem getting swfobjects to properly embed and play flash via a .js file. Neither the youtube, vimeo nor my slideshow player are displaying their contents. At first I thought that this might be due to me using an older none functioning version of the players, but after cloning again from the develop branch of the repo I'm still not getting any output from any of those players. I suspect it could be a configuration issue on my laptop where I do most of my work but my lack of success in getting any of the players to also display their flash content on any of the school computers and my desktop at home undoubtedly means that I'll need to seek some clarification from either David or Chris on how to properly run these players.
I'm sure there's more things that I've done and discovered with this player but I haven't had much sleep in the past few days and I'm drawing a blank right now, if anything comes up I'll add it in another blog post later this week. I still need to do another recompile and debug of firefox which I'll be posting about sometime this week anyways.
One other thing I still need to do but ended up neglecting is my wiki. For some silly reason I totally forgot that we had to create a wiki for this course, I'll be working on that if I get the chance tomorrow afternoon during the break in between my classes. If not then then by the evening for sure as well as do an update of the ticket for the slideshow player.
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